What Are Construction and Demolition Operations Standards
The ANSI/ASSP A10 series of standards cover safety requirements for a whole host of activities related to construction and demolition operations — from erecting scaffolding, to handling explosives, to pouring concrete.
Download the A10.32 Technical Brief

Why Use Construction and Demolition Operations Standards
Safety professionals can use the A10 standards to help prevent worker injuries, illnesses and fatalities. These incidents harm workers and their families, carry high costs and damage a company’s reputation. A10 standards apply directly to field operations to help all involved recognize and prevent hazards related to construction and demolition operations.
Get Involved With A10
Help establish ASSP’s policies with regard to consensus safety standards by serving on the A10 standards writing committees or any of our other standards writing committees. Learn more about how ASSP and our members develop standards.
Apply to write standards