1st place: From Hard Hats to Helmets: The History and Future of Head Protection (August 2024), by Albert Weaver III, CSP, Jessica Kemp, William Ojiambo and Anna Simmons
2nd place: Safety Classification and Learning Model: Defining and Classifying Potential Serious Injuries and Fatalities (February 2024), by Matthew R. Hallowell and Carren Spencer
3rd place (tie): Risk Appetites at Polar Opposites: The Unacceptable Risk (November 2024), by Fred Straub, Ph.D., M.S., CSP, ARM
1st place: Are My Workers Competent in EHS? Competency-Based Training to Improve Learning (December 2023), by Lori A. Schroth, D.B.A., M.S., CSP, CIT, CHSP, Eric J. St. Pierre, Ph.D., M.S., CSP, and Brandon J. Hody, M.S., CSP, CIT
2nd place: Prevention Through Ergonomics: Integrating Human Factors Into a Prevention Through Design Approach (June 2023), by Bruce K. Lyon, M.S., P.E., CSP, ARM, SMS, CHMM, FASSP, and Georgi Popov, Ph.D., CSP, SMS, QEP, ARM, CMS, FASSP, FAIHA
3rd place (tie): Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication: Six Principles for OSH Professionals (May 2023), by Matt Law, Dr.PH., CSP, REHS
3rd place (tie): Emotional Intelligence: A Crucial Human Dynamic for OSH (December 2023), by E. Scott Geller, Ph.D.
1st place: The Legal Document and Evidence in Safety-Related Proceedings (September 2022), by Travis D. Livermore, J.D., CSP
2nd place: Who Cares If It's Recordable? How Misapplied Practices in OSHA Injury and Illness Recordkeeping Infringe on the Ethics of Care (June 2022), by Leslie Rex Stockel, CSP, SMS
3rd place: On the Concept of Risk, Uncertainty and Black Swans (March 2022), by Bruce K. Lyon, P.E., CSP, ARM, SMS, CHMM, FASSP, and Georgi Popov, Ph.D., CSP, SMS, QEP, ARM, CMS, FASSP, FAIHA
1st Place: An Integrated Approach for Understanding, Correcting and Preventing Unsafe Acts (February 2021), by Charmaine Mullins-Jaime, Ph.D., CSP, CRSP, Samantha Case, M.P.H., ASP, and Jan K. Wachter, Sc.D., CSP, CIH
2nd Place (tie): Contractor Safety Prequalification: Background, Current Practice and New Paths (March 2021), by David W. Wilbanks, Ph.D., CSP, ARM
2nd Place (tie): Prevention Through Design: 2021 and Beyond (May 2021), by James W. Stanley and Michael A. Taubitz
3rd Place: Understanding the Biological Basis of Complacency (October 2021), by Sharon Lipinski
1st Place: The Role of Leading and Lagging Indicators in OSH Performance Management (August 2020), by Pamela Walaski, CSP
2nd Place: The Power of What If: Assessing and Understanding Risk (June 2020), by Bruce K. Lyon, P.E., CSP, SMS, ARM, CHMM, and Georgi Popov, Ph.D., CSP, QEP, SMS, ARM, CMC, FAIHA
3rd Place: Safety in the Multigenerational Workplace (May 2020), by Rona Smeak, Ph.D., CSP
1st Place: Moving Risk Assessment Upstream to the Design Phase (November 2019), by Bruce K. Lyon, P.E., CSP, ARM, CHMM, David L. Walline, CSP, and Georgi Popov, Ph.D., CSP, ASP, SMS, ARM, QEP, CMC
2nd Place: Perception Surveys: Development & Analysis to Study Safety Issues (October 2019), by Christopher A. Janicak, Ph.D., CSP, CEA, ARM, and Majed M. Zreiqat, Ph.D., ASP
3rd Place: Risk Treatment Strategies: Harmonizing the Hierarchy of Controls & Inherently Safer Design Concepts (May 2019), by Bruce K. Lyon, P.E., CSP, ARM, CHMM, and Georgi Popov, Ph.D., CSP, ASP, SMS, ARM, QEP, CMC
1st Place: High Risk, Lone Worker: The Unacceptable Risk (July 2018) by Fred Straub, Ph.D., M.S., CSP, ARM
2nd Place: PTD Before Risk Assessment: A Historical Perspective (November 2018) by Mike Taubitz
3rd Place: Medical Marijuana: Addressing Impairment in the Workplace (August 2018) by Lori Schroth, Brandon Hody, Chris Chaffin, Elliot Laratonda and Greg Cook, from the ASSP Public Sector Practice Specialty
1st Place: The Art of Assessing Risk: Selecting, Modifying & Combining Methods to Assess Operational Risks (March 2016) by Bruce K. Lyon, P.E., CSP, ARM, CHMM, and Georgi Popov, Ph.D., QEP, CMC
2nd Place: Major Risk: Moving From Symptoms to Systems Thinking (October 2016) by James Loud, CSP, CHMM
3rd Place: Safety Expectations: Finding a Common Denominator (July 2016) by Vladimir Ivensky, CSP, CIH