What Is the OSHA Susan Harwood Training Grant Program?
OSHA awards grants to nonprofit organizations on a competitive basis through its Susan Harwood Training Grant program. Grants are awarded to provide training and education programs for employers and workers on the recognition, avoidance, and prevention of safety and health hazards in their workplaces.
The ASSP Foundation has been awarded two Susan Harwood grants and created new training courses related to fall protection and infectious diseases.
Fall Protection
Working at height can be hazardous and remains a leading cause of worker injuries and fatalities and OSHA citations. This online self-paced series addresses the three parts of the personal fall arrest system (PFAS) — the “anchor,” the “bodywear” and the “connecting device” – widely known as the ABCs and offers guidance on how to properly implement and use fall protection systems and equipment to effectively advance personal safety programs, increase efficiency and stay OSHA compliant.
Infectious Diseases
Pandemics and widespread outbreaks of infectious diseases can claim millions of lives, disrupt societies, interrupt businesses and devastate economies. To properly respond to such emergencies, planning and preparedness are critical to mitigate the risk and maintain business continuity. The following live, instructor-led courses provide guidance on planning and managing pandemics; review regulations and a legal framework for infectious diseases; discuss industry best practices and more.
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