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Professional Safety


Professional Safety, American Society of Safety Professionals’ flagship monthly journal and top member benefit, covers the latest safety management and injury prevention trends.

Current Issue Highlights

Each peer-reviewed issue of Professional Safety offers practical guidance, techniques and solutions to help occupational safety and health (OSH) professionals identify hazards, protect people, prevent injuries, improve work environments and educate management that investing in safety is a sound business strategy. Annual subscription is included with ASSP membership.

From our latest issue:

Risk Management

Applying System Safety Analysis to Zoo Worker Disease Exposure Prevention
By Emma Villarreal, Cheri L. Marcham, Michael O’Toole and Bart Eltz

Best Practices

Managing Contractor Work
By Mark Dano


Talk the Talk: Translating for Safety
By Loretta Mulberry

PSJ Cover

Award-Winning Journal

Professional Safety journal received an Award of Excellence in the Magazines, Journals and Tabloids – Print category of the APEX Awards for Publication Excellence for 2023 and 2024. APEX Awards are based on excellence in graphic design, editorial content, and the ability to achieve overall communications excellence.

Professional Safety journal earned a bronze award in the journal redesign category of the 2020 Association Media & Publishing EXCEL Awards. The honor was the result of the journal introducing a new look in June 2018 as part of ASSP’s rebranding campaign. The award recognizes the publication’s improved design and content. Judges evaluated the journal’s quality of writing, copyediting, design and production as well as its editorial and graphic unity.

Log In to Access Digital Edition and Article Archive

ASSP Members

To access the digital edition, you need to log in to your ASSP account. Then click the digital edition link in the Publications navigation menu. Through the digital edition, you can access back issues from January 2012 to present.

When you log in, you can also access the PSJ article archive via a link on the Publications navigation menu. This archive contains all peer-reviewed features published in the journal since 2000.

Professional Safety App

You can also get instant access to the journal on your mobile device through our Professional Safety app.

Join Today

If you aren't an ASSP member, join today and start enjoying all the benefits — including a monthly subscription to PSJ — of belonging to our vibrant community where you will connect with great people and great resources.

ASSP and its members take safety seriously, advancing and exercising workplace safety best practices every day.

Still, our members often spot unsafe practices in the workplace and capture them on camera. By sharing these not-so-safe moments in Professional Safety's lighthearted “By the Way” section, we hope they serve as a reminder of the importance of working safely.

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Write for Professional Safety

Identify yourself as an expert in the OSH field. Share your knowledge with others, while also building your resume and earning credits to help you maintain industry credentials like those from the Board of Certified Safety Professionals.

Read our author guidelines

Professional Safety Article of the Year Award

Professional Safety authors help advance the professional conversation about occupational safety and health issues and important industry topics. Their expertise is a key reason the journal is ASSP's top-ranked member benefit.

That's why we honor their valuable contributions through the article of the year awards, which recognize the top three peer-reviewed articles and their authors each year.

Learn about the Professional Safety Article of the Year Award and read past award-winning articles.

Learn about the awards  Read an award-winning article

Reprint or Reproduce Articles

You must obtain permis­sion to reprint articles from the editor. Authorization to photocopy items for internal, personal or educational use is granted by ASSP, provided the appropriate fee is paid directly to Copyright Clearance Center; phone +1 978-750-8400 (Refer­ence Code No. 0099-0027). Single-copy and academic reprint permission is also available through the Copyright Clearance Center. Articles are also available from electronic databases hosted by ProQuest.

Advertise in Professional Safety

Our members trust Professional Safety to deliver the latest technical knowledge in OSH management. Advertisers benefit from our subscription base of more than 36,000 members, with bonus distributions tied to our annual Professional Development Conference and Exposition.

learn more about advertising   Contact our advertising representative

Subscribe to Professional Safety

Annual subscriptions to Professional Safety are included with ASSP membership. However, individuals can subscribe, too. Subscribe online or call ASSP Customer Service at +1 847-699-2929.


1 Year 2 Years 3 Years
 ASSP Member Subscription (included in dues) FREE   FREE  FREE
Digital Subscription Only* $45*

Continental U.S. (includes Mexico & Canada) $60 $94 $120

Agencies and booksellers discounts not available on subscriptions. Postage is charged on all orders for back issues. Missing issues must be requested within 45 days (5 months international).

*This rate is for individual subscriptions only. It is not available to public institutions.

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