Chapters provide unique value to members through face-to-face programming. While ASSP does not provide chapters with webinar hosting services, chapters may use virtual services belonging to a chapter leader or their employer or invest in purchasing their own platform license, following the same principles as securing a venue for an in-person meeting.
Selecting the Right Tool for Your Chapter
To find the right virtual programming tool for your chapter, determine what goals you want to achieve. Do you want to provide teaser content to build interest in your other events? Build personal connections? Provide technical education? Perhaps a combination of all three? Also consider what resources your chapter can invest in the platform that helps you meet members’ needs.
A wide variety of tools are available, ranging from simple, free services to paid hosting platforms. Quality of service, security measures and ability to customize the experience vary depending on the cost of the platform.
Here are examples of popular products, with links to help you research the best options for your chapter.
Video Broadcasting Tools | Great for | Not Great For |
Examples: | - Brief videos or broadcasts
- Free content
- Teasers to build interest
| - Members-only or paid content
- Long meetings
- Networking/interaction
Video Conferencing Tools | Great For | Not Great For |
Examples: | - Leadership team meetings
- Leadership transition meetings
- Networking meetings
- Networking breakouts
| - Large networking meetings
- Technical meetings
Webinar Hosting Platforms | Great For | Not Great For |
Examples: | - Technical meetings
- Other educational content
- Large meetings
| |