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Vallen - Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Industrial Workplace

Oct 19, 2022

Sponsored by Vallen


Sponsored by Vallen. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) affect the body’s movement and musculoskeletal system. In the workplace, they are often caused by exposure to to repetitive movements, awkward or static postures, and forceful exertions. While most of these injuries and illnesses are preventable, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, MSDs are the single largest category of workplace injuries and illnesses. They are also reportedly responsible for almost 30% of all workers’ compensation costs. Gain practical guidance on best practices and treatments available for MSDs, and discuss how your organization can use emerging technologies to mitigate risks and prevent MSDs.

What You Will Learn

  • Explain MSD and how they are classified
  • Gain better understanding of the risks and cost associated with MSD
  • Review risk identification and prevention of MSD
  • Discuss best practices and treatments for MSD
  • Explain how emerging technologies can be used to mitigate risks and prevent MSDs.

Stephanie Gifford, OTR/L, CLT, CKTP, CPNE, CDRS Senior Manager Business Development, Ansell Inteliforz
Stephanie Gifford is a licensed occupational therapist in practice for more than 20 years and with a background in hand therapy, industrial wellness and ergonomics. Gifford has also worked in the medical device sales industry for more than 15 years and has worked with advanced technologies including neurosurgery implantables, exoskeletal technologies and neuro-modulatory devices. Gifford is helping to launch the Inteliforz product line through Ansell to bring data-driven solutions, innovative technologies and state-of-the-art safety solutions to the industrial workspace.

Carrie Merck, MSIM, PMP, AEP Director R&D, Connected Technologies, Ansell Inteliforz
Carrie Merck has more than 15 years experience in engineering and technology. She started her career as a process engineer and ergonomics assessments team leader and joined Ansell Healthcare in 2012 in research and development. At Ansell, her research focuses on PPE performance, human factors design, and new and emerging technologies that keep people safe while they work. Merck’s contributions to trade secret and technology inventions have resulted in more than 30 new product launches and she is listed on eight published patents.

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