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Turning the Page: Reengage People and Revitalize Your Culture

Nov 11, 2021

Sponsored by DEKRA


Sponsored by DEKRA. Disruption, change and stress have marked our work and personal lives for nearly two years. Work environments are changing, which is creating a rotating set of stressors for the workforce that leadership must address. Workers are more isolated, their workplaces have changed dramatically, and they are facing challenges like Zoom fatigue and a lack of staffing resources. A new year provides a new opportunity for leaders to step back, think about the state of their organization and, ultimately, turn the page going forward to a brighter day, recognizing that everyone needs more engagement and vitality.

Join us to discuss how organizations can move toward positive outcomes and engage all levels of leadership in saving lives and reducing injuries. Using examples from the field, DEKRA Chief Client Officer Jim Spigener and DEKRA Vice President Mike Mangan will explore how leaders can use good governance, adaptive leadership skills, an improved culture and change management to help boost employee engagement.

What you will learn:
  • Examine how to engage employees more effectively to strengthen your safety culture.
  • Explain how leadership can support workers feeling detached from the workplace and their peers.
  • Assess role of good governance in change management.
  • Explore ways to build, or refresh, a culture of learning in the workplace.

Michael Mangan, Ph.D.
Mike Mangan_smallMichael Mangan, Ph.D., is vice president of solution development for DEKRA. He facilitates global thought leadership and generates new innovations across the organization. With extensive experience as a business leader, trusted advisor and military officer, Mangan brings to his work a diverse set of skills to create advanced culture and leadership assessment tools for both organizational safety and process safety. A former platoon commander and battalion training officer in the United States Marine Corps, Mangan holds a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Ohio University.

Jim Spigener
Jim Spigener_smallJim Spigener is the chief client officer for DEKRA. He has helped hundreds of companies globally to design, prepare and implement successful safety solutions at every organizational level, from the C-suite to the shop floor. With over three decades of experience, Spigener is a seasoned executive coach helping senior leaders in companies worldwide demonstrably improve their individual impact on organizational safety. He has coached hundreds of C-suite executives from Fortune 500 companies, developing their leadership skills and partnering with them to create custom strategies for safety excellence and culture change.

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