PARK RIDGE, IL — The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) is bestowing the honor of Fellow on three members who have made significant contributions to the occupational safety and health profession. Roger Jensen, Bruce Lyon and Georgi Popov are the 2023 recipients of the Society’s highest honor.
“ASSP Fellows are influential leaders who have played key roles in improving workplace environments as well as the safety and health profession itself,” said ASSP President Christine Sullivan, CSP, ARM. “Roger, Bruce and Georgi are highly respected experts who have broadly helped prevent injuries, illnesses and fatalities on the job.”

Jensen, Ph.D., J.D., CSP, CPE, FASSP, is a professor at Montana Technological University where he helped form an ASSP student section that he guided for many years. He designed Montana Tech’s safety lab for fall protection and ladder climbing research. His contributions to the occupational safety and health body of knowledge include work in heat stress, risk assessment, ergonomics, training design and machine safeguarding.
Jensen served for 22 years at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) where he co-authored the publication that built the foundation for research on farm tractor rollover protective structures. That helped protect farm tractor operators from the most frequent source of machine-related injury in the nation.
“Throughout his career, Roger has tirelessly dedicated his work to advancing workplace safety and health,” said former ASSP President Mark Hansen, P.E., CSP, CPEA, CPSA, CPE, FASSP. “He has mentored countless students and professionals while broadly contributing to our profession’s body of knowledge.”

Lyon, P.E., CSP, ARM, SMS, CHMM, FASSP, is vice president of risk management services at Brown & Brown Inc. He has more than 40 years of experience in risk assessment, safety management systems and ergonomics. Lyon has authored dozens of articles, books and technical publications including co-writing “Risk Assessment – A Practical Guide to Assessing Operational Risks” that is a required text in many safety degree programs.
Lyon is chair of the U.S. Technical Advisory Group to TC 262 for the ISO 31000 risk management standards, and vice chair of the ANSI/ASSP Z590.3 Prevention Through Design Committee. He has been the advisory board chair for the Occupational Risk and Safety Sciences department at the University of Central Missouri since 1999.
“Bruce’s contributions to the OSH profession are as significant as any active professional I know,” said longtime ASSP member Bruce Hollcroft, CSP, CHMM, ARM. “He has been innovative at creating tools and techniques in risk management to improve worker safety. He’s always eager to share his expertise to help others be successful.”

Popov, Ph.D., CSP, SMS, QEP, ARM, CMC, FASSP, FAIHA, is the chair and professor of the Occupational Risk and Safety Sciences department at the University of Central Missouri. He took prevention through design (PTD) from concept to reality in the development of the ANSI/ASSP Z590.3 standard, chairing the committee and being recognized as a pioneer in the field. His work has been published in many textbooks, articles and safety standards.
During his safety and health career that spans more than 30 years, Popov has provided training to hundreds of professionals in PTD and risk assessment. He develops course materials and instructs students worldwide through in-person and virtual sessions. He also helped create ASSP’s Risk Management Certificate program.
“Georgi’s knowledge and expertise are exactly what’s needed at the higher academic level of education,” said safety management consultant Joel Tietjens, CSP, CSHM, FASSP. “He uses real world experiences in the application of principles and theories. Without a doubt he is one of the most profound experts in risk assessment.”
The new Fellows will be honored at ASSP’s Safety 2023 Professional Development Conference and Exposition, set for June 5-7 in San Antonio. The honor of Fellow recognizes an ASSP member’s lifetime commitment, achievement and leadership in occupational safety and health. Nominees must have a history of major contributions to the profession for at least 15 years. The list of Society Fellows dates back more than 50 years.
About ASSP – Working together for a safer, stronger future
For more than 100 years, the American Society of Safety Professionals has been at the forefront of helping occupational safety and health professionals protect people and property. The nonprofit society is based in the Chicago suburb of Park Ridge. Its global membership of 35,000 professionals covers all industries, developing safety and health management systems that prevent injuries, illnesses and deaths. ASSP advances its members and the safety profession through education, advocacy, standards and a professional community. Its flagship publication, Professional Safety, is a longtime leader in the field. Visit and follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Media contact: Blaine Krage, 847.768.3416,