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New Joint Study Highlights Head Protection Best Practices and Challenges

Oct 31, 2024

In spring 2024, J.J. Keller & Associates Inc. and the International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) launched a joint research study to evaluate the best practices and biggest challenges employers encounter when selecting the most effective head protection for their workers.

The report, "A Turning Point for Head Protection," published on Oct. 16, identifies misconceptions surrounding the terminology of hard hats versus helmets; the difficulties in ensuring that workers wear head protection consistently; and the gaps in maintenance training and relevant standards to consider when making head protection decisions. The report also highlights opportunities for educating safety leaders and improving head protection care and selection. These findings are intended to spark discussions among industry experts and drive improvements in safety solutions.

Representatives from various industries responded to the survey, with the majority of respondents being in the construction and manufacturing industries. Challenges in the selection and implementation of head protection were reported by 88% of respondents, with 72% of respondents reporting confidence in their understanding of the distinctions between hard hats and safety helmets. Of the total respondents, 90% were actively involved in making decisions about head protection.

“With the data from this study, J. J. Keller and ISEA hope to inspire discussion that will further clarify effective head protection practices to keep workers safe and at home with their loved ones at the end of every shift,” says Cam Mackey, ISEA president and CEO, and Bob Larsen, vice president of research and development for J. J. Keller.

Download the report here.

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