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Lean on Me. Workplace Mental Health Solutions, Hidden in Plain Sight.

Jun 16, 2022

Sponsored by Axiom Medical


Sponsored by Axiom Medical. Workplace mental and behavioral health now sits squarely on the shoulders of employers. Through national awareness campaigns and initiatives, acting is the priority! Is the expectation of building and maintaining a resilient workforce extremely complex or merely a return to simpler days when genuine care, concern and compassion for one another was the norm? Dr. Les Kertay from Axiom Medical will help you gain better perspective on mental health issues and take away practical guidance on a proactive approach to implement workplace mental health solutions.

What You Will Learn

  • Discuss the impact of workplace mental and behavioral health on both employees and employers
  • Recognize signs of mental and behavioral health struggles with responsibility for action
  • Explain key elements of an effective workplace mental and behavioral health program
  • Identify workplace mental health solutions, many of which are hidden in plain sight.

Les Kertay, Ph.D.
Les Kertay_small  Les Kertay, Ph.D., has more than 40 years of experience in mental and behavioral health management, including 15 years in executive leadership positions in the group insurance industry. A licensed and board-certified psychologist, he brings expertise in mind-body health including disability medicine, chronic pain and health behaviors. Kertay holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Georgia State University.

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