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Heat Stress and Cold Stress: Responses and Recommendations

Jul 20, 2021

Sponsored by Bulwark


Millions of U.S. workers are exposed to hot and cold temperatures in their workplaces. There are many questions regarding FR/AR clothing and what to do in extreme hot and cold temperatures., Bulwark Protections’ Derek Sang shares expert insight on the effects of cold stress and heat stress and offer guidance on what employers can do to keep their workers safe in these extreme conditions. (Recorded June 17, 2021)

In this session for all experience levels, you’ll be able to:

  • Explain the difference between heat stress and cold stress.
  • Discuss how FR/AR clothing plays a factor in your body temperature.
  • Discuss how to avoid heat stress and cold stress.
  • Assess what to look for when selecting FR/AR clothing for extreme weather conditions.

Derek_SangDerek Sang has been involved with the flame-resistant (FR) clothing industry in a variety of roles from the service to manufacturing for more than 25 years. He has developed and conducted over 250 educational seminars in the U.S. and internationally and has been the keynote speaker on topics such as arc flash hazards, flash fire and general safety for many companies, associations and organizations. Along with being a recognized FR expert, Sang is a qualified safety sales professional, certified environmental, health and safety professional (through IASHEP) and certified virtual presenter (eSpeakers).

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