“You get back more than you give.” I have heard and shared that statement many times during my ASSP career. And it truly captures my experience as an OSH professional and as a volunteer leader for the Society.
Like many of us, I was drawn to our profession because of work-related tragedies that affected my family. The loss of our loved ones rooted in me the belief that these types of outcomes are preventable, that injuries, illnesses and fatalities do not need
to be the “cost of doing business.”
These incidents also helped me see the workplace as a community and embrace my role as a trusted steward of that community. This mindset reflects why I am an OSH professional. My work, our work, not only protects employees around the globe, it also affects
the circle of people around them. The resulting ripple effect often has a long-lasting impact.
And this impact can take many different forms. One day, you might partner with your organization’s safety committee to implement a work design that eliminates a repetitive motion hazard and prevents painful musculoskeletal disorders that could debilitate
members of your workforce. Another day, you may work with an employee team to implement measures that alleviate fatigue. And on another, you might help a team member access resources to improve their mental and physical well-being. These opportunities
to influence change in the workplace are a true reward of what we do.
Beyond the workplace, we have many opportunities to share our unique safety knowledge, experience and insight. As my term as ASSP president draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the many professional and personal benefits I have gained through
my ASSP involvement. So I want to share just a few ideas on how you can engage with ASSP to help advance our profession:
Volunteer to join a committee. We have opportunities to be involved in a range of activities, from standards development, editorial review, elections and conference planning to student development, government affairs and awards.Share your interest in becoming an at-large member of the ASSP Advisory Group.Submit a proposal to present at Safety 2023 or to teach a course for ASSP.Submit an article to be considered for publication in Professional Safety.Volunteer to present a webinar for your chapter, practice specialty or common interest group.
Raise your hand to be a candidate for elected office.
Sign up to be a coach or mentor to share your experiences and help the next generation of safety professionals.
Contribute to the ASSP Foundation.
Even if you take just one of these actions, you will not only improve our profession and enhance our member community, you will also boost your career and enrich your life. Please take a few moments to visit our website to learn more about these and other opportunities to get involved. I guarantee you will get back more than you give.
Beyond ASSP, we all can and do give back in other ways. I know many members who serve on local safety groups that help, for example, establish emergency response plans. And I know many others who help guide the curriculum included in degree and certificate
programs offered by universities and community colleges across the U.S. Many members present safety topics to groups like their local chamber of commerce or school district. I also know that many members share their safety expertise through organizations
such as Safety for NonProfits and Habitat for Humanity. The opportunities for us to promote safety and health practices and principles are abundant if we simply look for them.
I am proud to be an OSH professional. It shows up in everything I do. I am honored to have served as your president this year and I am truly grateful for your contributions to our collective effort to create a safer, stronger future for all.