Strong Turnout for ASSP Leadership Conference
Nearly 500 community leaders registered for our virtual 2021 Leadership Conference! Attendees have until Nov. 19 to earn additional CEUs by viewing the educational sessions presented. Many thanks to our
Leadership Conference Planning Committee for creating this great opportunity for our leaders to find solutions and develop new skills. Interested in helping plan the 2022 Leadership Conference?
Share your interest
State of Society - Budget Impacts
We have posted two resources that provide key details on the current fiscal state of ASSP.
Due to the pandemic and changing market conditions, we anticipate a deficit budget for the next fiscal year, which will once again limit support for new, non-revenue generating programs and we expect to maintain many previous budget reductions, including volunteer travel and support for community programs at Safety 2022. As we evaluate these budget and programming impacts from an expense and member value perspective to inform budgeting for next fiscal year (April 1, 2022 - March 30, 2023), we will continue to communicate with you. Thank you for your leadership and support.
Get the Latest on ASSP's Governance Proposal
Wondering how the governance proposal is evolving and what's next? Our governance webpage has all the answers you need.
Watch our latest video
ASSP Weekly Schedule
Please mark these upcoming dates when ASSP will not distribute ASSP Weekly and plan accordingly:
- Monday, Nov. 29, 2021
- Monday, Dec. 27, 2021
- Monday, Jan. 3, 2022
- Monday, Jan. 17, 2022
To share information with your members via ASSP Weekly, please submit your information by Wednesday 12:00 p.m. CT for the following Monday. Late submissions may not be included. Please use our online submission forms for
common interest groups and
practice specialties.
Help Members Earn CEUs Through Your Community's Programs
Brush Up on Your Math Skills
PSJ's Math Toolbox article series helps you apply STEM principles to real-world safety scenarios so you can solve everyday workplace challenges. Share these practical lessons with your members.
Access Math Toolbox
SPAM Protection Reminder
ASSP chapters and regions continue to see sophisticated spear-phishing attacks. Every e-mail user needs to watch for these targeted messages that appear to come from a trusted source, likely someone you (the target) know personally and often someone in a position of authority. If you or members are involved with chapter communities, keep your information safe and call or send a separate email to the person to verify they contacted you.\
Learn more
Communication Tools
- Information on using social media
- Personalized emails based on your community role
- Tools for conducting surveys
- Forms to share information with your members via ASSP Weekly and monthly Community Digest