We are working to migrate your ASSP-role-specific email accounts to the cloud. This process will begin in mid-February and roll out by region. These changes will introduce a new web interface. You will also receive direct access to your mailbox settings and spam filters, experience improved security, and receive unlimited accounts and storage.
To prepare for the migration, your chapter must confirm that an ASSP email address (e.g., updates@chaptername.assp.org) is set for services like PayPal, Crowdsignal, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn (this will not affect Real Magnet/Higher Logic). Please note that ASSE emails will be no longer work after the migration is complete.
We will notify you before your email accounts are scheduled to be moved. It may take up to 48 hours for the switch to be completed and your email may not work during that time.
When the migration is complete, you will receive a link to the new dashboard, new log-in credentials and a video tutorial for managing the new system.
Learn more
Contact our chapter web team