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Access 2018 NOIRS Research Papers

Nov 03, 2020

A special issue of Journal of Safety Research highlights select work presented at the 2018 National Occupational Injury Research Symposium (NOIRS), which was hosted by NIOSH in partnership with ASSP, BCSP, National Safety Council and other organizations. The theme for NOIRS 2018 was “Advancing Worker Safety in the 21st Century Through Research and Practice.”

“For decades, NOIRS has served as a forum for the exchange of ideas, research and evidence-based practices aimed at preventing traumatic injury and injury-related mortality in the workplace,” say the editors in a letter included in the special issue. “NOIRS brings together researchers and practitioners from around the globe to stimulate interdisciplinary collaboration and create opportunities for translating cutting-edge occupational injury research into practice.”

With open access through March 2021, the issue contains research articles that address leading causes of occupational injury, cross-cutting issues such as organization-based injury prevention, and emerging issues associated with advancements in technology, among other OSH topics.

Another cross-cutting topic highlighted in the special issue is occupational safety equity across worker populations. According to the guest editors, this topic “highlights the importance of research on industries and occupations at high risk for traumatic injury and research by worker demographics.” The special issue includes articles that focus on industries and occupations with higher risks for traumatic injury including construction, mining, public safety and healthcare, as well as an article that focuses on young workers.

The next NOIRS is scheduled to run Oct. 19-21, 2021, in Morgantown, WV.

Access the special issue

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