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OSH Generations: James T. Wilson Jr.

May 01, 2019

OSH Generations is about family and the safety profession. Many OSH professionals have parents or children who are also in the profession. Our members share their stories of the people who influenced them to enter the safety profession or those who they inspired to become safety professionals. Here's the story of James T. Wilson Jr., CSP CIH, a professional member of ASSP's East Texas Chapter. This story was originally published in the November 2013 issue of Society Update.

WilsonJohnson_composite_286x214My daughter, Cassie Johnson, and I are both in the business of safety. What we do protects and helps people each day. It is exciting to get a call from Cassie asking me a professional question and even more exciting to ask her for information that I don't have. She is employed at a U.S. Department of Defense facility as a business continuity specialist, having previously provided emergency planning for Federal Bureau of Investigation and Federal Emergency Regulatory Commission. She won the first Business Continuity Personality of the Year Award, making her father very proud.

Jim Thornton

Hello James T. Wilson. I fondly remember our days at Texas A&M. You are looking well. Very good article.


Jim Thornton



William Hendon

James, its great that you all are continuing the tradition in safety.  Its certainly speaks well of you as a father, safety professional, and mentor.  Glad you are doing well.

Bill Hendon

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