OSHA is seeking to clarify key provisions of the beryllium standard for general industry, changes it says will simplify compliance while delivering the same level of safety and health protections as the current standard
The proposed rule would amend selected paragraphs of the standard, including "Definitions," "Methods of Compliance," "Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment," "Hygiene Areas and Practices," "Housekeeping," "Medical Surveillance," "Hazard Communication" and "Recordkeeping." The agency also wants to replace the existing Appendix A that lists suggested controls with a new appendix that covers how to establish beryllium work areas. OSHA says the proposed changes would provide employees with equivalent safety and health protections to the current standard.
The proposal satisfies a settlement agreement with stakeholders that had concerns about some of the provisions in the 2017 beryllium final rule, according to OSHA. The agency estimates that the proposed rule would affect 50,500 workers.
The quickest way to share comments, hearing requests and other information is via the federal e-rulemaking portal. You can find submission details in the Federal Register notice. Comments are due by Feb. 9, 2019. Since the enforcement date for the provisions affected by this proposal is Dec. 12, 2018, OSHA says that while this rulemaking is pending, compliance with the standard as modified by this proposal will be accepted as compliance.