Timothy Hicks, M.S., CSP, CIH, has been appointed to represent ASSP on the
Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation (CAOHC). In this role, Hicks will provide guidance related to occupational hearing conservation programs to help advance best practices through the establishment and maintenance of meaningful educational opportunities, certifications and research. Hicks’s 5-year term involves collaborating with leadership from eight other organizations to continue the mission of CAOHC.
The council seeks to advance best practices in occupational hearing conservation worldwide in areas such as academics, medical, military, occupational and environmental. In nominating Hicks, ASSP noted that “his record of achievement and performance as a leader of the profession, including hearing conservation issues, and on a variety of different professional committees, is beyond reproach.” Hicks will replace Don Garvey, CSP, CIH, who retired from his ASSP appointment.
Hicks is managing director and president of
Hicks Health & Safety, a professional health, safety and environmental service provider based in Golden, CO, and Charleston, SC. He is a member of ASSP’s
Low Country and
Colorado chapters, and a member of the Society’s
Industrial Hygiene and
Oil, Gas, Mining and Mineral Resources practice specialties.