It’s been 3 months since ASSP officially transitioned to a new name. ASSP's website says, “We connect you to a vibrant professional community working to create a safer, stronger future.” Whether you are a seasoned safety professional or just coming into the field, we all benefit by engaging with others who are also passionate about safety. You can see this passion at
We Are Safety Professionals.
I hope you are as excited as I am with the energy around this sense of community. ASSP and the Management Practice Specialty are here to support you in your current job and to help you shape your future. Here’s a few things our group has been doing or has planned:
We reviewed 24 requests from people seeking our sponsorship for their proposal to speak at Safety 2019. Kudos to Jessica Allard, our professional development chair, for her leadership, and thanks to the entire review team – Loren Bowe, Anita Muller, and Joe Tavenner – for their diligence in getting these numerous reviews turned around thoughtfully and quickly. Topics included ISO 45001, safety culture and employee engagement, all relevant to the mission and activities of the Management Practice Specialty. While we know that not all submittals can be selected, we are appreciative of those who want to share their expertise. We also identified a few folks and subjects that could be the focus of articles or webinars.
- Speaking of webinars, we are cosponsoring one with the Risk Management/Insurance Practice Specialty on Wednesday, Sept. 26 at 12:00 p.m. (CDT): "Tribometry - A Cornerstone for Walkway Safety." Presenters Joseph Wallace and Lisa DeCarolis from CNA will discuss methods for improving interior walkway safety, including tribometry, cleaning methods and risk awareness. One of our goals is to provide solutions for “what keeps you up at night.” Preventing slips, trips and falls is one such challenge regardless of the industry we support. Please register for this free webinar and learn what you can do to bolster your safety strategy in this area.
- Lastly, our mentoring program continues to prosper, with two new matches made recently and two more mentees soon to receive a mentor match. Regardless of where we are in our careers, sharing our experiences is fulfilling and we should always be open to learning from others. That’s what being a mentor or a mentee is all about. Read about and join the MPS mentoring program and reap the rewards.
As always, if you have any suggestions for how we can better meet your needs, or if you want to join our great team of volunteers, please contact me or any member of the Advisory Committee. Wishing you a safe and happy autumn.