Since 1990, the
ASSP Foundation has awarded more than $3 million in scholarships and professional education grants to students beginning their OSH careers and professionals seeking to continue their education. Each year, the Foundation presents nearly 150 awards, ranging from $500 to $15,000 each. More than 1,300 safety students and professionals have advanced their careers, thanks to the generosity of the safety community.
Women in Safety Excelllence (WISE) Common Interest Group awards a professional education grant through the Foundation each year, and is working to endow an annual scholarship as well. To help make the scholarship a reality, you can make a
tax-deductible donation; be sure to earmark your donation for WISE. Also remember you can double your donation by taking advantage of your company donation matching program (if available). We hope to secure enough donations to be able to offer both a grant and a scholarship in 2019 and beyond.
Jessica Vallee-Vasquez received the 2018 WISE Professional Education Grant of $1,000 Jessica is a graduate assistant in the Falk School of Sustainability at Chatham University. She is a member of
ASSP's New Jersey Chapter and plans to use her grant toward college coursework.
The application period for Foundation scholarships and grants opens Sept. 1, with applications due by Dec. 1. Watch for future e-mails/postings about the application process and visit the
ASSP Foundation website often.