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Society Update News


Recognize Recruitment: Member-Get-A-Member

May 11, 2018

Did you know that 66% of our volunteer leaders have recommended a new member to ASSP within the past year, compared with 4% of members at large.

Are you being rewarded for your recruitment efforts?

Earn rewards like ASSP store items, webinars and seminars, a one-year membership, and the chance to win registration for Safety 2019 when new members join based on your recommendation through the Member-Get-A-Member campaign.

This campaign is also a great way for you and other chapter leaders to track and recognize your community's top recruiters. Contact Chapter Services to request a recruitment campaign report for your chapter.

And, of course, new member recruitment goes beyond personal recognition. Read more about why this program matters to ASSP leaders hoping to connect with the next generation of safety professionals.

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