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Welcome 2021-22 Leaders: Leading for the Future!

Jul 14, 2021

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause uncertainty, we are looking to the future. Because things will continue to look differently for ASSP and chapters communities, we are focused on building trust, being nimble and sharing knowledge.

Your leadership and support are vital during these extraordinary times. In the coming year, here’s what you can expect.

  • Preparing for the return of face-to-face programming. While each chapter must exercise its own judgement, we continue to counsel all chapters to align with Society’s approach and hold off scheduling in-person chapter meetings of members or leadership teams through August 31, 2021. As your chapter returns to in-person events, plan to follow our ASSP Chapters: Guidance on Return to Face-to-Face Programming.
  • Change to the chapter charter requirements. Over the last year, members’ expectations around virtual programming options have shifted and chapters’ ability to support members in this way has grown. In response, the Council on Region Affairs has recommended that the Board of Directors adjust the Member Value requirements in Society Operating Guideline 8.5 to: "Offer a minimum of four accessible meetings, at least two of which are face-to-face."
  • No volunteer travel through March 2022. Our current operating budget projects a loss of $2.2 million and we will continue the recession budget through FY22, which ends March 30, 2022. As in FY21, this means we will provide limited support of new, non-revenue generating initiatives and volunteer travel, with the exception of a limited amount to deliver a successful in-person Safety 2021. Expect to connect virtually for most chapter visits and regional operating committee meetings.
  • Our 2021 Leadership Conference will take place on-line October 21-22. We are excited to offer this valuable leadership development and networking experience in a virtual format, making it accessible to even more ASSP leaders. Look for program details and registration later this summer. In the meantime, if you are interested in presenting at the conference please submit a proposal.

Reach out at any time to the Chapter Services team.


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