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Safety News You Need: Summer of Prevention

Aug 05, 2021

Cicada singing on a plant Our link roundup this week includes an updated safety resource for small businesses; information about how AI-enabled computer vision is improving safety programs; a reflection on worker feedback and why it’s important for effective leadership; and insights from NIOSH about cicada buzzing and the recommended exposure limit for noise. You’ll also learn how U.S. organizations are responding to the rise in infections from the COVID-19 delta variant; information from the Society of Human Resource Management about heat illness prevention; and dates from ANSI for recognizing the importance of standards in 2022. 

  • OSHA and NIOSH have updated a handbook on workplace safety and health information for small businesses ahead of Safe + Sound Week. Read more
  • Computer vision technology provides data that can help your organization’s safety program be proactive and better protect people. Read more
  • When was the last time you requested critical feedback from the workers on your team? Here’s why it’s a good idea. Read more
  • Cicadas are among the loudest insects in the world, but does their buzzing present an excessive noise exposure hazard? Read more
  • Fewer than one in five employers have made COVID-19 vaccination mandatory for employees, according to a recent survey, but momentum may be building as cases spike. Read more
  • Employers that don't enforce a heat illness prevention program could have sick workers and preventable workplace fatalities. Read more
  • ANSI has announced the 2022 dates for World Standards Week. The theme will be Standards for Sustainable Development Goals. Read more


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