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Safety News You Need: OSHA Leadership

Apr 15, 2021

This week’s link roundup includes news on the nominee to head OSHA; an extension to theClose up of the U.S. Capitol Building comment period for OSHA’s hazard communication standard; updated CDC guidance on improving ventilation to prevent the spread of COVID-19; and tips for preventing struck-by incidents in construction.       

  • President Joe Biden has nominated Doug Parker to head OSHA. Learn more about Parker’s experience and what his leadership could mean for employers. Read more
  • OSHA has extended the comment period for on its proposal to update its hazard communication standard. The updated rule is expected to increase worker protections and reduce incidents of chemical-related injuries and illnesses. Read more
  • Good indoor air quality is a key defense against the spread of COVID-19. CDC has updated its ventilation guidance to provide simplied language and answer frequently asked questions. Read more
  • Struck-by incidents accounted for more than 500 workplace fatalities in 2019. As you prepare for the upcoming National Stand-Down to Prevent Struck-by Incidents, use these tips to keep workers safe in lift zones. Read more


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