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Safety News You Need: Guidance and Feedback

Jul 15, 2021

Our link roundup this week includes updates to OSHA’s COVID-19 preventionBusinesswomen talking in a conference room measures; a call for an increase in the number of OSHA inspectors; a NIOSH technical report on occupational exposure limits for engineered nanomaterials; and updated inspection guidance for the tree care industry. You’ll also learn steps to prepare for reopening offices; the importance of anonymous employee feedback; and some of the latest developments in personal protective equipment (PPE).

  • OSHA has revised its national emphasis program for COVID-19 and updated its interim enforcement response plan.  Read more
  • Labor Secretary Marty Walsh is asking for funding to double the number occupational safety inspectors by the end of President Biden’s current term. Read more
  • NIOSH is now accepting comments on its draft technical report on approaches to developing occupational exposure limits or bands for engineered nanomaterials. Read more
  • A recent OSHA memorandum updates enforcement guidance for compliance safety and health officers in the tree care industry. Read more
  • There are many safety factors to consider when reopening an office and bringing workers back. Learn designs and polices you can implement to keep everyone safe and healthy. Read more
  • Employee feedback programs are valuable tools for creating better workplaces, but anonymity is key. Learn five reasons you should have an anonymous employee feedback program. Read more
  • PPE continues to evolve to better protect worker safety and health. Here are eight ways PPE technology is helping create safer workplaces. Read more



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