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Safety News You Need: Culture and Communication

Sep 23, 2021
  • The federal mandate requiring workers at larger organizations (100+ employees) to beBusinessmen meeting in a conference room vaccinated or undergo weekly testing leaves employers with questions. Find answers. Read more
  • A proposed budget bill could bring significant increases to workplace safety penalties. Read more
  • Construction workers experience some of the highest rates of opioid overdose. Here’s what you can do to minimize the work factors that could lead to injuries and pain. Read more
  • Women now comprise 10.9% of the construction industry workforce (up from 10.3% in 2019) and hold arbout 1.17 million jobs. Read more
  • The majority of American workers (72%) are satisfied with their level of workplace safety and their coworker relationships, according to a recent Gallup survey. Read more
  • Agriculture is the most dangerous industry. Learn why and what you can do about it. Read more
  • Creating safer and healthier workplaces means putting people first. Here are six ways you can collaborate with HR to do that at your organization.  Read more


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