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OSHA Seeking Comments on Updating Voluntary Protection Program

Feb 16, 2023

OSHA is seeking comments on how the agency can update and improve its Voluntary Protection Program (VPP). Created in 1982, VPP recognizes workplaces that demonstrate best practices in safety and health management and serve as models across a wide range of industries.

The agency has developed a set of questions and is particularly interested in comments related to these issues:

  • Should the program align more closely with recent occupational safety and health management practices and system standards?
  • How can the program contribute to expanding the use and effectiveness of safety and health management systems?
  • Can resources and tools such as “special government employees,” consensus standards, third-party auditors and other methods serve to expand the program’s capacity without compromising effectiveness and oversight?
  • Do particular categories of hazards need special attention in the VPP certification process?

To submit comments, locate Docket No. OSHA-2022-0012 in the federal e-rulemaking portal. Comments are due by April 14. 


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