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Safety News You Need: Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls

Dec 17, 2020

Slips, trips and falls accounted for 880 workplace fatalities in 2019. These types of hazardsPerson walking in an office exist in many work environments, but organizations can take simple steps to mitigate or eliminate them. This week’s Safety News You Need features tips and tools you can use to help workers keep their footing while on the job.   

  • Slips, trips and falls can occur for a variety of reasons. Learn some common causes of these types of incidents and how you can help workers avoid them. Read more
  • To prevent slips, trips and falls, you first have to identify the hazards in your work environment that can cause them. Follow these steps to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment of your facility to help keep your workers safe. Learn more
  • Once you’ve identified your hazards, you can then institute policies and procedures to help prevent them. Following these best practices can help you create work environments free of the factors that can cause slips, trips and falls. Read more
  • Along with physical hazards, human factors can play a role in experiencing a slip, trip or fall. Use this tool to gain an understanding of how a worker’s mindset can contribute to these incidents and how you can educate them on prevention. Learn more
Related Links

On Demand: Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls With ANSI/ASSP A1264 Walking/Working Surface Standards
Managed Fall Protection Course
ANSI/ASSP Z359.1-2020 The Fall Protection Code
ANSI/ASSP A1264.2-2012 Standard for the Provision of Slip Resistance on Walking/Working Surfaces



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