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Safety News You Need: Hydrogen Sulfide Safety

Dec 11, 2020

Hydrogren sulfide is present in many working environments. Exposure to it, even at lowWorker testing for hydrogen sulfide levels, can create serious health consequences. This week’s Safety News You Need highlights ways to train your workers on the dangers of hydrogen sulfide and how to prevent exposure.  

  • Several sources generate potential exposures to hydrogen sulfide. Learn some common ways hydrogen sulfide can enter the atmosphere and steps you can take to reduce risk of exposure.
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  • Hydrogen sulfide exposure poses both short-term and long-term health hazards. This table demonstrates the health impacts and symptoms to look for at different concentrations.

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  • Confined spaces can contain a range of hazardous gases, including hydrogen sulfide. Learn why atmospheric testing is essential to protecting workers who enter and operate in confined spaces. Read more
  • If workers are directly exposed to hydrogen sulfide or working near an area where it is present, OSHA sets requirements for PPE to help prevent worker exposure. Learn more
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