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Student Highlights From Safety 2019

Jun 26, 2019

Safety 2019 in New Orleans, LA, set a record for attendance with more than 5,600 on hand—including over 175 students from across the country.

Young safety professionals talkingHere are just a few highlights from the many student and emerging professional activities during the conference:

  • Faculty advisor Paul Ronczkowski accepted the Outstanding Student Section Award for the Illinois State University student section at the House of Delegates meeting.
  • The Emerging Professionals in OSH Common Interest Group (CIG) hosted a sold-out networking event at the Howlin’ Wolf, as well as two well-attended networking breakfasts that included an overview of the CIG. The group also recognized five recipients of scholarships from breakfast sponsor Georgia-Pacific.
  • Student roundtables covered 13 topics and were facilitated by industry leaders, giving students the opportunity to ask questions and prepare for their careers.
  • Students and emerging professionals also gathered in the ASSP Communities Lounge, participating in fireside chats with senior ASSP leaders, interactive trivia games and networking.
  • Many also visited the on-site career center to search for jobs, participate in resume critiques and meet sponsors.
  • Several students presented original research posters.
  • Kevin Slates, faculty advisor to the student section at Indiana University Bloomington received the Outstanding Safety Educator of the Year Award.

Mark your calendars for Safety 2020 which takes place June 23-25, in sunny Orlando, FL. We hope to see you there!


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