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Partnering With Academic Institutions

May 07, 2019

Some chapters are being asked to sign memorandums of understanding with academic institutions. When considering this opportunity, start by asking a few key questions to explore what is important to OSH professionals in your region:

  • Is it the ability to go out and get an advanced degree later on (especially at a different institution)?
  • Is it the ability to transfer credits to a regionally-accredited institution?
  • Is it access to online training?
  • Is it certification preparation?
  • What role does affordability play?

Across the Society, we strive to have the highest level of quality and service, especially since education is one of our strategic pillars and a value that members expect.

We also recommend that you gain an understanding of whether local employers see value in the training provided by the institution and reach out to some former students to discuss their perspectives on the value proposition involved.

Through this process, your chapter will come to understand that some learners see value in some kinds of training, while others may not. In addition, our academic leaders want to ensure that future OSH professionals understand the role of accreditation with regard to their educational investment. In some cases, students enroll at a nationally accredited institution only to find that credits:

  • Do not transfer to a regionally accredited institution (e.g., traditional “brick and mortar”)
  • Are not permissible to enter an advanced degree program at a regionally accredited institution

If you have additional questions or suggestions regarding academic partnerships, contact Laura Clements, ASSP's director of academic affairs and research.


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