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Enhance Your Meetings With Our Facilitation Guides

Mar 07, 2019
Workplace violence is a growing concern. ASSP's technical report, "How to Develop and Implement An Active Shooter/Armed Assailant Plan," incorporates recognized best practices to give organizations the tools they need to protect their employees from harm.

We know members have many questions about how to implement these recommendations in their workplaces. We also know it can be challenging to have these difficult conversations. Our Ask an Expert meeting facilitation guide walks you through how your chapter can leverage subject-matter experts like your local law enforcement, fire department and other resources to help members’ get their questions answered.

Check out our other meeting facilitation guides for more ways to enhance your chapter meetings. All our guides are designed to help members solve problems through collaborative learning built on adult learning principles. Each guide is organized around one of our standards, but all can be adapted to any topic that meets members’ needs and interests.


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