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Telangana Chapter Promotes ASSP in India

Dec 01, 2018
SU_TelanganaChapterFASSP’s Telangana Chapter participated in Confederation of Indian Industry/Indian Green Building Council’s Green Building Congress held in Hyderabad, Telangana, Oct. 31 to Nov. 3, 2018. The chapter promoted ASSP by speaking with the more than 210 students from various colleges across India who visited the chapter's booth at the conference. In addition, the chapter connected with more than 70 professionals from the industry and academics.

The 16th Green Building Congress is Indian Green Building Council’s annual flagship event, offering concurrent sessions, an international exhibition and award programs for attendees. The Telangana Chapter hopes to promote ASSP through additional events such as the EHSS Professional Development Conference in New Delhi in February 2019 and at ASSP’s Safety 2019 in New Orleans, LA.


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