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Safety 2018 Student Highlights Recap

Jul 16, 2018

Safety 2018 in San Antonio, TX, set a new record for attendance, with more than 5,000 on hand, including many students from across the country. Here are highlights focused on student and young professional activities.

  • Reilly Donovan accepted the Outstanding Student Section Award for her school’s (Indiana University Bloomington) student section.
  • The Young Professionals in OSH Common Interest Group hosted a fun-filled off-site networking event at Pat O’Brien’s Bar.
  • Our Safety Talks student roundtables covered 13 topics and were facilitated by industry leaders to provide students an opportunity to listen, ask questions and prepare for a career in OSH.
  • We debuted the Communities Lounge and offered a series of fireside chats featuring key ASSP leaders and current OSH topics, interactive trivia games, and a place to network and relax.
  • Students and young professionals attended two networking breakfasts.
  • Many students and young professionals visited the on-site career center to search for jobs, participate in resume critiques and meet sponsors.
  • Students presented original research during the interactive poster session.
  • Gary Winn who has worked in the Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering at West Virginia University since 1989 received the Outstanding Educator of the Year award.
  • We rolled out our new name American Society of Safety Professionals with key branding graphics, visuals and member testimonials.
Mark your calendars for Safety 2019 which takes place June 9-12, in New Orleans, LA. We hope to see you there.


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