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ASSP Foundation: More Fun Than Run 5K Raises $12,000

Jul 16, 2018

The ASSP Foundation's Next Generation Board, a conduit for students looking to get involved with the ASSP Foundation, created the inaugural More Fun Than Run 5K at Safety 2018 as a way to raise funds to support the Foundation's mission.

People at 5K raceDespite the 102-degree heat in San Antonio, TX, at race time, more than 100 people braved the elements and completed the course. The event raised nearly $12,000.

We extend a special thanks to main race sponsor WorkCare, as well as AECOM, Restore Rehabilitation, ESIS and Rockford Systems for their support. Plans are already underway for an event at Safety 2019 in New Orleans, LA. There will be plenty of opportunities to volunteer and get involved, so please stay tuned.

The Next Generation Board is made up of ASSP members between ages 23 and 35 who have been in the safety profession for at least two years. The group encourages participation in the Foundation’s programs, and cultivates intergenerational connections within the Foundation community, Contact the ASSP Foundation If you’d like to learn more about this group.


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