Workplace emergencies can take many forms. However an emergency
presents itself, you need to have a plan in place to keep your workers safe and informed. This week’s Safety News You Need focuses on resources to help you prepare for whatever emergencies your organization may face.
- Response plans need to be tailored to different scenarios. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) offers insights into different disasters and emergencies that you may encounter in the workplace and outlines steps you can take to respond appropriately in each situation. Read more
- The spread of COVID-19 demonstrates the importance of incorporating pandemic planning into your existing emergency response planning. This toolkit can help you prepare for the next pandemic and assess the level of risk within your organization. Learn more
- Communication is critical in an emergency to ensure that your workforce and the public are well informed on the situation and the steps they need to take to stay safe. Following these five tips can help you communicate your messages effectively. Learn more
- Effective emergency response requires the involvement of a wide cross-section of departments and employees throughout the organization. Learn who should be a part of your response team and the steps that they need to take to prepare for an emergency. Read more