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Safety News You Need: Protecting Young Workers

Apr 22, 2021

This week’s link roundup includes news on a national campaign to improve safety for teenYoung retail worker wearing a mask workers; updates on state COVID-19 legislation; tips for creating ergonomically sound remote workstations; and steps for keeping everyone safe in work zones.

  • The U.S. Department of Labor is conducting an online dialogue to gather ideas on how it can better connect with teens. The department plans to use the information gathered to enhance its  efforts to educate teens on issues such as workplace safety and health. Read more
  • The New York state legislature passed a bill that would require employers to adopt plans to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and implement certain safety standards. Read more
  • With remote work continuing indefinitely for millions across the U.S., many employers are taking steps to help at-home employees avoid musculoskeletal disorders associated with improper ergonomics. Read more
  • Work zones endanger workers, motorists and pedestrians. Next week is National Work Zone Awareness Week and these steps can help protect those who work in and travel through these environments. Read more




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