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American Society of Safety Professionals is your source for insights on trends in the safety profession, including developments in safety management, worker safety, government and regulatory affairs and standards.


  • SAFETY2018

    Safety 2018: Georgia-Pacific Sponsors Five Student Travel Grants

    May 16, 2018
    • Student Services
    • Students
    Thanks to a travel grant from Georgia-Pacific, five student members will be attending Safety 2018 in San Antonio, TX.
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    Setting the Standard for Wind Turbine Construction and Demolition

    May 09, 2018
    • Standards
    • Construction
    The recently approved ANSI/ASSE A10.21 standard, Safety Requirements for Safe Construction and Demolition of Wind Generation/Turbine Facilities, is the first industry consensus standard written specifically for wind construction.
  • Risk_882502431

    ISO 31000:2018 - Five Things to Know

    May 09, 2018
    • Standards
    • Risk Assessment & Management
    ISO 31000:2018 reflects the evolution of risk management over the past decade from a separate, at times departmentalized, activity to an integrated management competency. Here are five things you need to know.
  • 5 Tips That Will Help You Find the Right Mentor

    5 Tips That Will Help You Find the Right Mentor

    May 03, 2018
    • Membership
    • Professional Skills
    Mentorship has unique benefits. Learn how to find the right professional guide and build a strong relationship that stands the test of time.
  • pressRelease

    ASSE forming accreditation institute to recognize quality safety programs

    May 02, 2018
    • Standards
    • Press Release
    • Risk Assessment & Management
    ASSE is creating an independent accreditation institute that will debut this summer, further driving the evolution of workplace safety and health worldwide. The fee-based program will certify an applying organization’s occupational safety and health products and services based on recognized voluntary consensus standards.
  • pressRelease

    ASSE to bestow honor of Fellow on Deborah Roy

    Apr 25, 2018
    • Press Release
    • Membership
    ASSE has bestowed the honor of Fellow on a longtime member who has made significant contributions to the occupational safety and health profession. Deborah Roy is the 2018 recipient of the Society’s highest honor. She also will be ASSE’s 2020-21 president, having been elected this year as the organization’s senior vice president.
  • pressRelease

    Page-Bottorff named ASSE's 2018 Safety Professional of the Year

    Apr 23, 2018
    • Membership
    • Press Release
    Tim Page-Bottorff, a highly respected safety trainer, mentor and motivational speaker who is often called a “public utilities safety guru,” is ASSE's 2018 Safety Professional of the Year. He has taken innovative steps to advance the safety and health profession while being influential with safety training for school-age children.
  • pressRelease

    Winn named ASSE’s 2018 Outstanding Safety Educator

    Apr 18, 2018
    • Press Release
    • Membership
    Dr. Gary Winn, a highly regarded educator within the occupational safety and health profession and ASSE member for 25 years, is the 2018 William Tarrants Outstanding Safety Educator. Winn is a professor of safety management in the Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering at West Virginia University.
  • pressRelease

    ASSP Foundation awards more than $375,000 in scholarships and grants

    Apr 16, 2018
    • Advocacy
    • Press Release
    Thanks to a growing group of generous donors, the ASSE Foundation is celebrating a record year by awarding more than $375,000 in scholarships and grants to 117 individuals seeking advancement in the occupational safety and health profession. This year’s distribution tops the Foundation’s previous record of $303,665 in 2017.
  • pressRelease

    ASSE election results highlighted by Medina’s move to president

    Apr 12, 2018
    • Press Release
    • Membership
    ASSE has completed its 2018 Society elections and congratulates its new leaders, whose terms begin July 1. Rixio Medina will become ASSE’s new president for 2018-19. “Elections are the heart of a professional society, and I’m happy to see our members staying involved and being committed to voting,” said President Jim Smith.
  • 10 Things That Inspire Great Volunteers

    10 Things That Inspire Great Volunteers

    Apr 09, 2018
    • Advocacy
    Volunteer leadership is the backbone of the American Society of Safety Professionals. Many volunteers have advice for future leaders, often derived from experience making workplaces safer and stronger.
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    President Jim Smith Addresses EKU Students on Career Outlook

    Apr 01, 2018
    • Society Update
    • Students
    President Jim Smith recently addressed students at Eastern Kentucky University about the future outlook for the OSH profession and how the Society supports safety professionals throughout their careers.
  • The Women in Safety Excellence (WISE) Common Interest Group

    First Place in the First Microlearning Contest Goes To

    Mar 19, 2018
    • Training & Communication
    • WISE
    • Membership
    • Education
    We put out a call for microlearning module submissions with a new twist – there would be a competition among all chapters, Practice Specialties and Common Interest Groups. Now, we're happy to announce that with five submissions, first place goes to the Women in Safety Excellence (WISE) Common Interest Group.
  • Safety professional woman standing in front of a group with a marker and a pad of paper leading a meeting

    Goal Setting to Improve Organizational Performance

    Mar 16, 2018
    • Safety Management
    • Leading & Lagging Indicators
    • Education
    It’s time for leaders to move beyond incident-based metrics, explains Michael Fackler. He has six steps to help you reimagine your organization’s safety goals.
  • © iStock/Getty Images Plus/alder7

    Safe Pressure Testing of Steel and Copper Piping Systems

    Mar 15, 2018
    • Standards
    As secretariat of the ANSI-accredited A10 standards committee, ASSP collaborates with stakeholders to develop industry consensus standards that address safety requirements for construction and demolition operations.
  • Worker Fatigue

    How Do Time Changes Impact Worker Fatigue and Safety?

    Mar 13, 2018
    • Health & Wellness
    • Education
    It’s easy to underestimate the impact of a time change, but experts say losing an hour of sleep can be significant. Here’s what you can do to address fatigue.
  • What Is Mindfulness and How Can It Improve Safety?

    What Is Mindfulness and How Can It Improve Safety?

    Mar 08, 2018
    • Safety Management
    • Advocacy
    Safety professionals know it’s important to pay attention. But when the word “mindfulness” enters the conversation, some people shut down and stop listening.
  • © kali9/iStock/Getty Images Plus

    Z359 Standard Receiving Industry Recognition

    Mar 07, 2018
    • Utilities PS
    • Management PS
    • Engineering PS
    • Consultants PS
    • Construction PS
    • Standards
    • Advocacy
    • Fall Protection
    As secretariat of the ANSI-accredited Z359 standards committee, ASSP collaborates with a diverse group of stakeholders to develop consensus standards that address work-related falls, which continue to be a leading cause of injuries and fatalities.
  • pressRelease

    Media advisory: Journalists invited to Safety 2018 in San Antonio

    Mar 06, 2018
    • Press Release
    ASSE’s Safety 2018 Professional Development Conference & Exposition, a global workplace safety event with people from 40 countries participating as presenters, exhibitors and attendees. A key panel discussion will have experts addressing the active shooter issue and ways to reduce risks of workplace violence.
  • pressRelease

    Active shooter technical report in development to improve workplace safety

    Mar 01, 2018
    • Press Release
    • Advocacy
    ASSE is taking steps to help curb workplace incidents involving active shooters. A working group of safety and health experts is providing insights into the development of an active shooter technical report, which could guide organizations toward safer work environments. A related panel discussion is set for Safety 2018 in San Antonio.

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