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Safety Is For All Workers

Pamela Walaski, CSP, FASSP, 2024-25 ASSP President and ASSP Foundation Chair
Mar 03, 2025

Pam WalaskiOn Oct. 11, 2023, ASSP’s Board of Directors attended the dedication of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Memorial in New York City. It was a moving and memorable day for all of us, and a poignant reminder of our critical role in helping workers return home safely at the end of each workday.

    It was also a heartfelt tribute to the 146 people who perished in the fire on March 25, 1911. Many of the victims were young immigrant women who died because there were not enough fire exits, doors were locked and the factory was overcrowded.

    The public was shocked by the tragedy and demanded reforms in working conditions and worker protections. These reforms laid the foundation for the worker safety regulations we have today.

    It also led to the founding of our organization. In October 1911, a small group of safety engineers, determined to prevent future tragedies, formed the United Association of Casualty Inspectors, the organization that would later become ASSP. Ever since that moment, ASSP has been a steadfast advocate for improving workplace safety and health.

    The legacy of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire extends well beyond any one regulation or organization, however. It underscores our vision that safety, health and well-being are not a privilege, they are an inherent right of all workers. Safety must be a core value embedded into every workplace. When organizations recognize safety as an enduring commitment, rather than simply a regulatory obligation, they create environments where safety empowers individuals, strengthens organizations and supports families.

    At ASSP, we encourage all companies to go beyond compliance or at least commit to regularly taking one next step toward continuous improvement in safety performance. As safety professionals, it is our job to provide insights, actionable strategies and practical resources to help businesses move beyond minimum standards and create workplaces that are safe and healthy for all workers.

    At the heart of our mission is the belief that safety is not just about meeting standards or avoiding penalties; it is about preserving human potential. Every worker has dreams, responsibilities and relationships that come into play in the workplace and beyond. They are not only employees, but also parents, friends and loved ones—and they deserve to return home safe and whole at the end of each day.

    As a trusted advisor, ASSP’s guidance is rooted in our members’ expertise, integrity and dedication. We aim to equip organizational leaders and their teams with the knowledge, tools and support they need to transform data into duty and statistics into lives protected. Such a shift places safety at the heart of every decision and action.

    As safety professionals, we must constantly strive to ensure that incidents like the Triangle Shirtwaist fire and countless other tragedies are prevented rather than viewed as a risk of doing business. Our goal is a world where safety is not just a requirement but a shared responsibility where everyone works to protect one another’s well-­being. To achieve that goal, we have a duty to every person who steps onto a jobsite or into an office because each life safeguarded is a story that continues.

    Operational success is an important measure of progress but so are lives preserved and families kept whole. The fight for worker safety is an ongoing process. We have made great strides since 1911 but we know that new challenges will continue to emerge.

    During the dedication of the memorial in October 2023, a family member of a worker who died in the Triangle Shirtwaist fire shared a statement that resonated with us all: “We are the keepers of their memory.” I encourage you to mark the solemn anniversary of the fire by participating in a moment of silence at 3:45 p.m. CDT on Tuesday, March 25. Together, we are creating a safer, stronger future for all.


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