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Real Magnet/Higher Logic Access Instructions

Aug 29, 2022

Real Magnet/Higher Logic is a robust communication tool for you to use to e-mail your community members and manage your community's Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. 


To access your account, please visit

  • Username: (e.g., — still with an "e")
  • Password: asse123 (or new password set by your chapter)

The login requires you to activate each computer from which you access the account.

Retrieve activation code 


After you have successfully logged in to your Real Magnet account, please go to Settings and select "Change Password" and reset the password. Remember to share the new password if multiple officers access the account.


We have created an online training video to help you navigate and use Real Magnet. Our team is also available to provide an online training sessions for your chapter.

Real Magnet overview video

Schedule online training­ 


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