As essential workers across the country receive the COVID-19 vaccine, CDC has
designed a communication toolkit to help employers educate their workers about the importance of getting vaccinated, and address questions and concerns.
CDC identifies essential workers as "those who conduct a range of operations and services in industries that are essential to ensure the continuity of critical functions in the United States." Its Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommends a phased allocation of vaccines while supply is limited, with expansion of populations recommended for vaccination as supply allows.
This phased allocation is divided into three phases:
- Phase 1a: includes healthcare personnel and long-term care facility residents.
- Phase 1b: includes persons over 75 years of age and frontline essential workers.
- Phase 1c: includes persons 65-74 years of age, persons 16-64 years of age with high-risk medical conditions, and essential workers not recommended in Phase 1a or 1b.
The communication toolkit includes key messages, FAQs with answers to common questions, fact sheets in nine different languages, a slide deck, posters, flyers and sample social media messages.
The key messages focus on the role of the vaccine in stopping the pandemic and provide more information about the vaccine's safety and effectiveness. CDC also urges employers to continue to promote practices such as face coverings and physical distancing even as the vaccine becomes more widely administered.
CDC encourages employers to customize the messages in a way that will resonate with their employees, organize COVID-19 presentations, hang posters in highly visible places, and continue to educate workers through articles, blog posts and social media.
Employers also are encouraged to partner with their local health departments to access expertise, identify speakers for presentations and coordinate vaccination clinics according to guidance from local officials. CDC will continue to add materials to the toolkit and recommends that employers check the CDC website regularly for updates.
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