To effectively manage safety and health, you have to understand how safety impacts your
organization’s bottom line. You can then demonstrate to your leadership the return on investment of safety initiatives and the positive impact safety has on your organization’s financial health. This week’s Safety News You Need highlights resources to help you make a business case for safety.
- One of the strongest arguments for improving safety is showing the direct and indirect costs of incidents and how those affect the business. Learn how you can educate your organization on the benefits of safety and calculate safety ROI. Read more
- To get buy-in from management for safety investment, you have identify your goals, explain what it will cost and be prepared to answer questions. These seven tips can help you develop a successful business case. Learn more
- A cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is a valuable tool for demonstrating the impact of safety and health initiatives and justifying their implementation. Here are five reasons why a CBA can help you make the business case for safety, and when and how you should use it. Learn more
- Taking steps to improve employee health as well as safety can have tremendous benefits for your workers and your bottom line. Learn the value that well-being programs can bring to your employees and the return on investment they can provide to your organization. Read more
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Measuring ROI in Environment, Health, and Safety