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Safety News You Need: Mental Health in the Workplace

May 15, 2020

Workers’ physical health isn’t the only concern amid the COVID-19Woman smiling while meditating at her desk pandemic. You also have to examine how this new reality is affecting workers’ mental health and well-being. This week’s Safety News You Need highlights resources to help you and your workers navigate the psychological effects of the pandemic.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic is bringing additional stress and anxiety to workers’ lives. Review common work-related stress factors that have arisen during the pandemic, and get tips on how to manage them and where to turn for help. Read more
  • One of the first steps in addressing mental health in the workplace is helping your workers effectively manage stress. You can take several actions to promote mental health awareness among your workers, and success stories from throughout the business world provide additional insight. Read more
  • While working from home, many workers feel thrown off their regular schedules and disconnected from friends, family and coworkers. These tips can help workers establish a routine, take time to de-stress and stay connected while working remotely. Learn more
  • Some may be reluctant to talk about mental health and well-being with their workforce. Here are seven reasons why it’s critical to start those conversations and how an open dialogue can help create a culture of acceptance and help workers be happier and more productive. Learn more


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