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OSH Generations: Sam Gualardo

Aug 01, 2019

OSH Generations is about family and the safety profession. Many OSH professionals have parents or children who are also in the profession. Our members share their stories of the people who influenced them to enter the safety profession or those who they inspired to become safety professionals. Here's the story of Sam Gualardo, a professional member of our Western Pennsylvania Chapter. This story was originally published in the July 2013 issue of Society Update. 

In the late 1970s, my dad influenced me to pursue safety management as a major at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) as a young college student. He was overseeing safety for a school district at that time as an administrator. And, it looks like my children are now following in my footsteps. Zach graduated from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU), with degrees in aviation and safety. He was the ASSP student section president at ERAU and has attended ASSP’s annual conference and student future leaders conferences on several occasions. He accepted a job with CNA in risk control. My daughter Lexi attended IUP and majored in safety sciences. She has also attended ASSP's PDC on various occasions. She is a member of ASSP’s IUP Student Section.


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