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NIOSH Publishes Research Agenda for Oil and Gas Extraction

Dec 09, 2018
The National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) for Oil and Gas Extraction identifies the knowledge and actions most needed to promote safety and health in the oil and gas extraction industry. According to NIOSH, the final agenda, published in late November 2018, focuses on priority occupational safety and health operations, workers and issues based on what is currently known about safety and health risks in industries within the oil and gas extraction industry. These priority operations, workers and issues include:
  • onshore exploration and production activities;
  • workers employed by small companies;
  • short service employees (workers with one year or less experience in this industry);
  • organizational practices that may influence safety and health in this industry;
  • emerging safety and health issues.
"This agenda provides a vehicle for stakeholders to describe the most relevant issues, research gaps, and needs for occupational safety and health It is meant to be broader than any one agency or organization," NIOSH explains.

Download the agenda from the NORA website.


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