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New England Chapter Hosts 20th Annual PDC

Dec 01, 2018
SU_NewEnglandPDCGlassesFOur New England Chapter recently held its 20th Annual Professional Development Conference Nov. 13-15 in Southbridge, MA. The event featured networking activities, general and concurrent sessions, an exhibitor exposition, a silent auction and raffles. The conference featured topics such as regulatory and OSHA updates and overviews, electrical safety, emergency response, fall protection, fire protection, fleet safety, risk management and industrial hygiene. The chapter raised more than $5,600 for our ASSP Foundation over the course of the conference.

Attendees had the opportunity to participate in a networking event that included tours of the Optical Heritage Museum in Massachusetts. Among other galleries, the museum features a gallery of protective eyewear and industrial process displays covering a century of workplace safety as well as an exhibition of antique spectacles, frames and cases.  

What are some ways your chapter is engaging members and the public? If your chapter or student section has an event you would like to share in Society Update, let us know.


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