ASSP and several other OSH stakeholder groups, including American Board of Occupational Health Nurses, American Industrial Hygiene Association, Board of Certified Safety Professionals and National Safety Council, are asking the Department of Labor (DOL) to suspend action on the proposed rule, "Expanding Apprenticeship and Employment Opportunities for 16- and 17-Year Olds Under the FLSA."
In a letter sent to Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta and Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, the groups call on DOL to hold listening sessions with stakeholder groups, work with NIOSH to review research in this area and request formal feedback from OSHA. The groups believe these steps are needed to improve the quality of the rule, build consensus and eliminate confusion. "In our present zeal to expand the number of jobs teenagers can perform, we must exercise caution and wisdom, lest we inadvertently harm America's greatest asset and treasure: our youth," the groups say.
Read the full letter.