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WISE Common Interest Group: Administrator's Message

Abby Ferri, CSP, Administrator, WISE Common Interest Group
Oct 01, 2018
This month has flown by and the WISE Advisory Committee has been hard at work matching mentors and mentees; hosting a ChapterWISE call for activated and enthusiastic volunteers throughout the world; planning for Safety 2019 (yes, already!); identifying new ways to recognize WISE members for their accomplishments; and helping plan the inaugural Women's Workplace Safety Summit.

In between all of that (or often at the exact same time), WISE members are balancing their lives as kids returned to school, big "kids" went off to college and some WISE members also went back to school (virtually and in college labs and classrooms). Bucket list travel took WISE members all over the globe and some to retirement.

The theme of #excellenceinWISE initially meant that WISE members demonstrate skill, empathy, and leadership in safety and health at their organizations and respective industries. But as the summer went on, it became clear that WISE members excel in so many areas, not just the industry that we all share.

How many times did you forget to celebrate your success this summer? Take this last week to let us know how you demonstrated #excellenceinWISE and let's show everyone what WISE is about and that we're proud to be ASSP. Use the hashtag on your personal Facebook page, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. Remember there are prizes at stake - one winner will be drawn for each week that the contest ran this summer.


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