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Cameron Cothran Receives VPPPA Scholarship for OSH Profession

Sep 01, 2018
ASSP student member Cameron Cothran of Andale, KS, was awarded VPPPA’s June Brothers Scholarship. Cothran is a member of the Society’s Pittsburgh State University Student Section, which is part of the Heart of America Chapter. He is also a member of the Society’s Consultants Practice Specialty and Young Professionals in OSH Common Interest Group. Cothran works as a safety intern at Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.

SU_654454404The scholarship, which totals $3,500, recognizes students who are leaders or role models in their schools and communities and who are entering into OSH areas or the trades. It is awarded to individuals who are either employed at a VPPPA full member site or to the child/grandchild/spouse of a member. Cothran was recognized at VPPPA’s Safety+ annual national conference in Nashville, TN, in late August.

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