Luke J. Albrecht, CSP, is a Safety Advisor for Marine Well Containment Company in Houston, TX. Luke has 24+ years of experience in Safety and Emergency Response and holds a B.S. in Occupational Safety and Health from Columbia Southern University and is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. A member since 2006, Luke has served ASSP in numerous roles and currently serves as President of Gulf Coast Chapter (2019-2020).
Previously, Luke served as President for the Gulf Coast Chapter (2014-2015) and supported the Executive Committee in the role of Past President as well as President-Elect, Vice President of Member Services and Parliamentarian. Luke also served as Region III Treasurer and Assistant RVP- Practices and Standards. He has also served on the Region III PDC Planning Committee and attended the House of Delegates as a member of the Gulf Coast Chapter for many years.
Luke is a Scoutmaster with the Boy Scouts of America in Houston, Tx and is supported by his wife, Liz, and two sons, Noah and John.
Platform Statement
If elected as your Region III South Area Director, my goal will be to focus on establishing a framework of collaboration among the Chapters and Sections within our Region. Key to the growth within our community of safety professionals is enhancement of our student sections and engagement of our young professionals within our Chapters.
The leadership within Region III is strong and it is critical that we continue to focus on sharing best practices among the best Chapters in Society. As in past roles within the Gulf Coast Chapter and Region III, my servant leader spirit will be there to support the Chapters in our Area. My approach of listening to the needs of our members and connecting the resources that are available to us has been successful in my ASSP roles. This success has not been my own, as it was made possible through the hard work of my fellow volunteer leaders. I look forward to applying this leadership approach to a new role, through support and collaboration.